Sunday, May 9, 2010

my poem #3.. a short one..!!

It's 1 a.m. in the night,
I cannot sleep tight,
my eyes feel offensive when i try to shut them,
'coz they haven't seen you in a fortnight.

But still I can feel the sweet, unconcious fits,
which according to the writs,
are the initiation of sleep,
and in the world of sweet dreams a peep.

It's quite probable that,
when I am lying flat,
in my cozy little bed,
under my blanket red,

that you will enter my dreams,
with a personality that gleams,
you'll come near my bed,
and kiss on my forehead.......

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friends 4 Ever !!

WHAT'S THE BIGGEST PROBLEM Facebookers are confronting ???? Parents signing up...... lolz..
Here's how one writer's facebook status updates now read ever since he was friended by his mother :
Scott is making good, well-informed decisions.
Scott is going to bed at a very reasonable hour.
Scott is drinking only on occasion, and even then it's just one or two.
Scott quit smoking several months ago without any apprarent difficulty.
Scott is making large, regular contributions to his savings account.
Scott is making yet another home-cooked meal, avoiding fast food as usual.
Scott is not gaining weight, and his clothes fit just fine.
-- Scott A. Harris

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air.....
What is Love?????
It is an inexpressible, ineffable thing which can only be felt & invisibly shown , can neither be seen nor heard...... It is just an imaginable property

just like we believe in God, though we never know about His existence....... In the same way, Love is non-existent, still it exists in our hearts, in our

souls..... What I am writing here is related to" LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP" ......Love is the very first step in every relationship, especially the kind

of one in which 2 different souls meet and become one. So Love is the initiation of every relation which continues throughout the journey of

life....well you can even say that love is the very soul of relationship...every kind of relationship...
love never dies....just like the soul never does... though a relationship may die....
it is so interesting, surprising as well as amazing to notice that love and relationship are so closely related to our body and soul.... ( in fact they

are).... and my way of comparison is quite different.......
love is SOUL.. and relationship is example to better understand this.....
Some creatures die as soon as they are born....some live for small time and die.... many live for an appreciable period of time and then perish....
and few complete their full life span....
similarly some relationships die as soon as they start....some continue and get along well for some time ..and then suddenly break...and some are

there which go on forever till they are made eternal by their soul ...that is love...
Relationships break....

"The course of true love never did run smooth !!"

-A Midsummer's Night Dream
.... but WHY?? why at all...???
again i wud like to compare it with the body.... since there are many reasons for the extinction of any creature... some known ...some may be

unknown... similar is the case with relationships... sometimes the cause for the break up is known...... sometimes unknown.....
but why should we be catabolic in our approach....why should our mindsets be destructive... why should we think about breakups at all.....
so i would better stick to my topic.. LOVE is in the air...
Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and usually refers to deep and tenderly caring

for the other person.. who is very special, is a passionate desire and intimacy of romanticism....
as William Shakespeare has written in A Midsummer Night's Dream that "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind."
love is really something...which has never been completely defined by anyone.... as mentioned earlier its just an ineffable feeling.....
how much we try to define love... still it remains incomplete....
still people give it a define it... to understand it by words... to make people understand how b'ful it is....It is a more potent sentiment than a

simple liking for another.......
To be Continued......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

my poem... maiden one....An Ode To Frnzz....

Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts ,
I just kept waiting to act them ,
Waiting and waiting and waiting ,
Days passed but I couldn't perform them.

O God!! Bring me back those moments ,
Those past beautiful moments -
When I was with them and they with me ,
And we spent our time in happiness and glee.

But now , Alas ! They are separating from me ,
Whom to curse for their getting miles away from me.
I call them but they cannot hear me.
They cannot come to me! They cannot come to me!

Here I am , a lonely being ,
With no one around to hear my cry ,
I am suffering but no one is seeing ,
My once bright eyes have become dry.

"O Almighty!! I ask a question to You-
Who authoritates destiny- me or Thee?"
But The Almighty answered solemnly ,
From the Sevenfold Height He talked to me.

"Child! It is you who controls your destiny,
I am nothing but only your belief.
You are the one to shape your destiny
I am the one to take away your grief."

Hearing these consoling, divine words ,
I again thought and thought ,
And realised that I was the cause
For all the pains which i had got.

After realising this i didn't care for my past ,
And resolved to only care for my present.
Now I am firm determined that there will be no one but me
Who will make friendship a full moon from a crescent.

But whatever i had written till now my dear
was all about my making friends,
And now that we are going to separate,
I'll make our bonds more stronger so that they remember me till my end....

mercy mercy mercy!!!

The quality of mercy is not strained.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown.
His scepter shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings.
But mercy is above this sceptered sway;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings;
It is an attribute of God himself;
And earthly power doth then show like God's
When mercy seasons justice.

can this be applicable to mercy killings !!...
a big question to debate on....
well already debated upon.. with no real results...
mercy killing is a boon for the ones suffering from severeness...... and they wish to die than to struggle.. coz they and every one know that their struggle's gonna be fruitless..... why to hope for a hopeless thing.... why to think about smthing whose silver lining is never gonna be visible...not even in the horizon...
so m here to support mercy killings..... and i request to all those people who're gonna read my blog... to help me strengthen the cause....
just before making any decision..... imagine yourself in a pitious condition..... when you've no hope left...... to live... you think its better to die....
choosing death over lyf is a sin... but not in the case where therez no hope left.....